PDT-SoilSc-01 - Advanced Identification Skills for Grasses
Course Description
13 CEHs for Wetland and Soil Scientists, 3.74 CEUs for Surveyors, and 13 CEUs for Foresters; Also approved for 12 NHDES Subsurface Bureau credit hours
This two-day course is intended to teach natural resource professionals the skills necessary to identify any New England grass to species (Family Poaceae) using Gleason and Cronquist’s Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. This tome still contains the most complete and accurate taxonomic key available for the grasses, but many find using it a challenge. Instruction will focus on understanding and recognizing the unique morphology of grasses, mastering technical terminology, and successful use of the “G&C” key. This course will include a combination of lecture and lab work, using dissecting microscopes, wherein participants will gain experience identifying species by way of carefully-guided dissection of native specimens. While participants of all experience levels are encouraged to attend, some prior botanical experience is strongly recommended. There are two required texts for this course: Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd Edition by H. A. Gleason and A. Cronquist (1991, new at The New York Botanical Garden Press https://nybgshop.org/manual-of-vascular-plants-of-northeastern-united-states-and-adjacent-canada/ or used online; ISBN-13: 978-0893273651; ISBN-10: 0893273651) and How to Identify Grasses and Grasslike Plants by H.D. Harrington (1977, Swallow Press; ISBN-10: 0804007462; ISBN-13: 978-0804007467). You are asked to purchase both books from your preferred bookseller and bring them to the course, along with a hand lens. All other supplies will be provided.