
Course Description

In business, personal data is a valuable asset. Every day it is being accessed, shared, managed, and transferred by people within your organization - in all departments and at all levels. Unless you have a solid plan accounting for the considerations and challenges involved in managing personal data, you risk a data breach, diminished customer trust, and possible enforcement action.

UNH Professional Development & Training has partnered with IAPP to provide training to meet your privacy program goals of reduced risk, improved compliance, and enhanced brand loyalty.

US Private-Sector Privacy (CIPP/US Exam Prep) covers United States privacy laws and regulations at federal and state levels, including breach notification and limits on various private sectors. Participants will gain an understanding of the legal requirements for the responsible handling and transfer of personal data within industry and workplaces, including government access to private-sector data.

The training program is based on the body of knowledge for IAPP’s ANSI-accredited Certified Information Privacy Professional/U.S. (CIPP/US) certification program and offers a robust opportunity to learn about critical privacy concepts that are also integral to the CIPP/US exam. While not purely a “test prep” course, this training is appropriate for professionals who plan to certify, as well for those who want to deepen their privacy knowledge. Both the training and the exam are based on the same body of knowledge.

Program enrollment includes: Digital copy of the course textbook; CIPP/US certification exam sample questions; Voucher to sit for the CIPP/US certification exam; 1 year IAPP membership.

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