
Course Description

Cosponsored by UNH Institute on Disability

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is growing nationally as a way to develop a safe and positive school climate in which all students can reach academic and social/emotional success. PBIS is a systematic process of creating school environments that are predictable and effective for achieving academic and social goals. This workshop will highlight the core features of PBIS, focusing on examples, tools and practices that support students and help schools improve their culture, climate and safety. You will learn how to assess your current interventions, implement evidence-based practices and empower and facilitate leadership teams to successfully implement PBIS using data-driven decision making. Practical tools for monitoring fidelity and student outcomes will be shared. There will also be time to plan, interact and ask questions. The workshop is designed for teachers, special educators, administrators, school counselors, behavioral specialists and related professionals.


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