
Course Description

Educators today are stressed beyond belief as they try to do their job. Coping with teaching the curriculum, classroom management, and the “extras” affect our own ability to manage and be at ease. Teacher attrition has risen, as educators try to juggle it all. We all yearn for a pause, a flow, and a sense of peace, instead of feeling like a robot. Come to this 2-part seminar to explore, discuss, and move forward with a focus on easing your load, creating space, and bringing back what teaching meant to you years ago.

This interactive seminar will provide a forum that addresses strategies, techniques, and shifts that may help you take your foot off the accelerator. As you apply the brakes, you may notice your job, commitments, and challenges are more manageable. We know the educator and person you are in there, let’s bring them front and center.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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