
Course Description

What does neurodiversity mean to you? There’s a recent movement in the neurodiverse community to celebrate our differences, and in the classroom, this means that educators need to find a balance between pushing students to grow and accepting their capabilities. Most teachers are expected to have a basic understanding of disabilities and their impacts on learning, but few teacher prep programs include this information. This course provides an introduction to the common characteristics of various disabilities, special education eligibility criteria, and the best ways to support these students.

You'll practice identifying how to prioritize skills and expectations, as well as remove barriers using neurodiverse practices so that all students can succeed to their full potential. Whether you’re new to the classroom or a veteran teacher seeking a refresher, this workshop will empower you with up-to-date information on diverse learning needs. There will be opportunities to collaborate, work through scenarios, and apply the content to your setting, ensuring you leave with strategies you can implement immediately.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Understanding and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Classroom
9:00AM to 3:30PM
Sep 18, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Course Fee(s)
Workshop Fee non-credit $199.00 now or pay later
  • Sarah Sherman
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