
Course Description

This workshop was formerly titled Assertive Communication

Mutual respect is at the heart of effectively asserting yourself when communicating with others. Giving yourself permission to speak up, say no or set boundaries starts with a solid foundation of self-awareness, self-worth and self-respect, otherwise you will develop an ineffective pattern of putting others’ needs ahead of your own. However, without equivalent understanding of and respect for others’ needs you risk behaving or being perceived as overly aggressive.

By examining and better understanding the people and situations where you have higher or lower courage and consideration, you will begin to have more clarity about where and with whom you need to shift your communication style and approach.

Course topics will include the paradigms and principles of effective interdependent relationships, the skills of active and empathic listening and strategies for respectfully conveying your needs without putting others on the defense.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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