
Course Description

When Google sought to find out the key to high performing teams, they discovered the number one driver was Psychological Safety, the belief that one could speak candidly about what needs to be discussed. 

Research by Harvard’s Amy Edmunson, PhD has shown the impact Psychological Safety has on patient mortality in healthcare, accident and injury reporting, and whether employees demonstrate the creativity and resourcefulness needed to face today’s many workplace and marketplace challenges. 

For managers, knowing how to create Psychological Safety will play a major role in their ability to prevent turnover, re-engage employees, and attract new talent. For individual contributors, understanding how to foster Psychological Safety increases their ability to productively bring up difficult issues to colleagues and to their supervisor.

In this program, participants will learn:

1.    What psychological safety is and what it is not
2.    Why it’s important at both the individual and organizational level
3.    How understanding the human nervous system’s hard-wired need to feel safe can be a game-changer, both for coaches and counselors and for the people they guide
4.    How to help others feel psychologically safe so they are able to interact as their best self and are willing to talk about what needs to be discussed
5.    How to address situations where they do not feel psychologically safe

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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