
Course Description

Creativity is a crucial skill for professionals and a high strategic priority for organizations. As children, creative play was a natural way of being, discovering, learning and growing both individually and socially. But fast-forward to adulthood and the external pressures of living in the “real world,” as well as our own self-imposed perceived limitations, disconnect us from this innate superpower that we all still possess.

Drawing upon several brain science-based sources of research, as well as skillfully guided expressive art facilitation and a safe, supportive and fun environment, you will learn about and directly experience the power of reconnecting with creative aspects of your mind and body that may have been dormant for years. Through a series of individual and group activities with play as the vehicle, your comfort and confidence will increase and you will be inspired and able to further develop and strengthen your creative muscle.

Course topics will include why more focus on play and creativity is needed in the workplace and the world, the common individual and organizational obstacles to effecting higher levels of intentionally developed creativity and a series of playful, practical and powerful activities designed to reignite your creative spark.

This workshop is beneficial for individuals or leaders interested in bringing more creativity into their professional and personal lives, as well as for Human Resource professionals responsible for researching and recommending progressive talent development and wellbeing strategies and programs for their organizations.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
The Power of Play – Leveraging Your Innate Creativity
9:00AM to 3:30PM
Oct 31, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Portsmouth - 230 Commerce Way
Course Fee(s)
Workshop Fee non-credit $289.00
  • Debra Schuler
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