
Course Description

Do you work with students who often give up easily and engage in work avoidance? When students have a fixed mindset, or a belief that they can’t improve their abilities, we often see behaviors such as giving up, work avoidance, negative self-talk, and disruptive behavior. These beliefs and behaviors can negatively impact students’ self-esteem, relationships and school success.
Join Katie Pagnotta, author of Empowered by the Human Design: Utilizing the BBARS of Excellence Framework to Foster Student and Educator Success, for a day filled with learning how to support students in shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset; the belief that with practice, we can improve our skills. Students can most effectively utilize a growth mindset in the context of safe, trusted, positive relationships and with tasks that allow them to be academically stretched to their zone of optimal growth.
Come prepared for an engaging experience that includes direct learning opportunities mixed with small group activities and discussions so that you can integrate your learning right away and be prepared to return to the classroom eager to implement your new strategies!

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Fostering Growth Mindset
9:00AM to 3:30PM
May 13, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Course Fee(s)
Workshop Fee non-credit $225.00 now or pay later
Section Fees
  • Katie Pagnotta
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