
Course Description

Cosponsored with the UNH Stormwater Center

An 6 hour, one day course that will cover stormwater hydrology including the following topics:

  • Introduction to site-scale hydrology
  • Time of Concentration
  • NRCS/SCS/Rational design precipitation
  • Design Runoff Hydrology
  • Hydrograph routing
  • Modeling software and routing methodologies

Stormwater Hydrology BadgeStormwater Hydrology Digital Badge:

Participants who successfully complete the Stormwater Hydrology program will automatically receive a digital badge micro-credential that verifies their accomplishment and skill that can be shared on social media, blogs and online portfolios.  

Upon completion of the Stormwater Hydrology workshop, participants will receive an email with further information on claiming their badge. For more information on digital badges with UNH PD&T, click here.



Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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