PDT-SoilSc-10 - Creating Wetland Delineation Maps: An Independent Study
Course Description
Approved for 6 NHDES Subsurface Bureau credit hours.
Independent study for students to create six wetland delineation maps to fulfill one of the requirements for certification as a Wetland Scientist in the State of New Hampshire. This course will run from April to September. Students are to work independently on one parcel at a time. Initial site walk will be completed with reviewer, then students will work independently to flag the wetland boundaries. Students will then review work with mentor to view work, and edit if needed. Initial class will review the standards for delineation and wetland map creation.
1) All wetland classified by National Wetlands Classification Standard ( Cowardin et. al.) and will utilize the Corps of Engineers wetland delineation standards. One of the maps shall include a complete assessment of function and values per one of the two methods in the rules of the NH DES Wetlands Bureau (to be selected by student upon completion of a delineation).
2) All maps will include:
a. Standards used and agency submitted ( submitted to the Joint Board)
b. Copy of USGS mapping and owner’s name (site’s will be public lands and include lands owned by the State of NH)
c. Name of the wetland delineator (Student)
d. Name of the Certified Wetland Scientist Reviewer (to be stamped by the reviewer)
e. Scale of plan, north arrow, field notes
f. Reports or Data Forms (to be collected by the student)
g. A brief report on each site demonstrating an understanding of concepts and wetland classification
h. Method of location of the wetland boundary as documentation of the understanding of the wetland delineation standards.
As each student progresses through the mapping sites, they will contact the course coordinator to receive the next wetland delineation assignment and name/contact information of the reviewer. They will review the site together and make adjustments as needed. Students will be expected to complete each site in 3 - 4 weeks.
At end of field season, the group will reconvene to review maps and make sure the wetland delineations meet the plan requirements for the Board of Natural Scientists.
Required Coursework: US Army Corp Wetland Delineation Methods
Supplies needed: soil auger, soil color book, survey flagging tape, markers for labelling the flagging tape, orange field vest, field clothes and boots, tape measure, notebook for field notes, compass, bug spray, sun screen, copy of Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast Region, Version 2.0, January 2012, US Army Corps of Engineers AND copy of Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England, Version 4, May 2017, New England Hydric Soil Technical Committee.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Wetland Certificate Program : Electives