
Course Description

If you (and your team) are like most of us, you're feeling the emotional and physical effects of the pandemic. What we originally thought would be a 15 day "flatten the curve" blip on the radar screen now feels like a never-ending Ironman Race. 

When it comes to addressing the chronic stress that comes from our lives being upended and never-ending uncertainty, "extreme circumstances call for extreme measures"--i.e. we all need to "up our game" when it comes to the stress management and emotional wellbeing tools we have at our disposal.

In this class, you will learn practices, techniques and guiding principles designed to help you feel and perform at your best, despite the tremendous challenges the pandemic has brought upon us. These will help you:
1.    Prevent—or reverse—burnout and the feeling of every day being a slog.
2.    Boost your energy level at will throughout the day
3.    Boost your spirits so you have more patience, compassion, and good cheer when dealing with customers, patients, and co-workers.
4.    Help your team members do the same and increase your ability to have a powerful, positive impact in your organization. 

Course Fee: $269.00 tuition (non-credit)


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