
Course Description

Millennials currently make up one-third of the workforce. In 2020, almost 40% of the workforce in the U.S. consisted of this 18 to 34-year-old age group. This is a significantly large, highly educated, technologically adept, and culturally diverse demographic group. However, millennials may feel misunderstood and business leaders may not know how to engage this rapidly growing segment of the workforce. It is not as hard as you think, but it does require that you understand how their beliefs evolved, stretch your thinking, and make a concerted effort to be more flexible with your leadership approach.

In this workshop, you will discuss what millennials look for and expect in a working environment and how you can inspire and motive them to higher performance:

  • how the work-life balance is viewed differently across generational work groups and what that means for personnel considerations
  • how to retain top talent and develop new millennial leaders who want to learn and be constantly challenged
  • why a one-size-fits-all leadership style doesn't motivate millennials and how, with a few minor adjustments in your leadership/supervisory style, you can go a long way toward motivating optimum performance.


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Leading the Newest Generation
9:00AM to 3:30PM
Apr 09, 2025
Schedule and Location
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Course Fee(s)
Workshop Fee non-credit $299.00 now or pay later
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