
Course Description

Mindfulness is the deliberate, investigative form of awareness that can offer individuals a way to come off habituated behaviors. Through activity and discussion participants will experience this scientifically proven and life changing practice. 

The workshop will:

  • distinguish the similarities and differences between mindfulness, relaxation and meditation
  • teach a variety of relaxation, meditative, and mindfulness practices
  • experience activities that teach and support the neuroscience related to contemplative practices
  • develop a more authentic connection with one’s self and others
  • learn about awareness and its role in self regulation
  • develop strategies to establish a daily mindfulness practice

The six Full Value Behavioral Norms: Be Here, Be Safe, Be Honest, Set Goals, Let Go & Move On, Care for Self and Others, are foundational to social emotional learning; they dovetail with and extend the CASEL 5 Core Competences. Full Value teaches self-regulation and giving participants a voice. Key components are the group process, goal setting, co-creation of behavioral agreements, and learning through experience.

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This program is offered in partnership with The Browne Center

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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