
Course Description

The ability to communicate and to understand your own and others' work styles is critical to building effective organizations and teams.

This workshop will help participants discover their personality type using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI), understand their natural approaches to work, and learn how to use this knowledge to improve interactions with others. While there are 16 Types, you will learn tips for working with people who have the same, similar, or very different Types.

Receive supporting materials that provide you with awareness of your own work style, how to leverage the best of your Type to work effectively in your team and organization, and practical tips on how to apply Type to maximize your workplace performance in the following:

  • Communicating effectively with others
  • Solving problems in a team environment
  • Making decisions on projects
  • Developing an action plan to apply Type to a current workplace challenge

NOTE: This course was formerly titled “Analyzing Work Styles: Using MBTI to Improve Communication”
This course has been pre-approved for SHRM PDCs.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Analyzing Workstyles: Using MBTI to Improve Workplace Performance
9:00AM to 3:30PM
Mar 19, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Portsmouth - 230 Commerce Way
Course Fee(s)
Workshop Fee non-credit $340.00 now or pay later
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