
Course Description

Adobe InDesign is the industry-leading application to create and publish documents for print and digital media.

This workshop builds on the skills developed in the course Beginning with Adobe InDesign (Level I).

The focus will be on teaching non-designers how to enhance their design sense and further their understanding of both Adobe InDesign and graphic design guidelines.

  • Knowledge of graphic design principles. These are the golden rules of graphic design, including things like balance, hierarchy, contrast, and repetition.
  • An understanding of color theory and color psychology. Color plays a critical role in graphic design, helping to develop a strong visual identity and evoke certain emotions in the target audience.
  • Proficiency in different types of design, spanning both digital and print. If you want a well-rounded graphic design skill set, it’s important to master both digital design skills (such as digital typography, logo design, and web design) and graphic design for print (layout design, typography, printing, and finishing, as well as proficiency in Adobe InDesign).

During Session I, students will learn the principles of graphic design, and how to use them in their design project. In Session II, students will work on live projects with the professor on hand for questions and answers. Projects may include designing a two-page magazine spread or a magazine cover.

At the end of the class students will share their work with others to show what graphic design techniques they learned and tried to execute.

Experience with Windows or Mac platform is required. Previous experience with Adobe InDesign is helpful, but not required.

It is recommended that students complete Beginning with Adobe InDesign (Level I) or have significant experience with InDesign, prior to enrolling in this workshop.

Students must have an Adobe Creative Cloud login prior to attending class.
Don't have an Adobe Creative Cloud login? Create one here before coming to class

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Desktop Design with Adobe InDesign (Level II)
9:00AM to 12:00PM
Jun 05, 2025
9:00AM to 12:00PM
Jun 12, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Course Fee(s)
Workshop Fee non-credit $299.00 now or pay later
Section Fees
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