
Course Description

This workshop was formerly titled: How to Create an Anti-Fragile, High Performing Team Culture 

More than ever, you need to have a team that “doesn’t sweat the small stuff”, can adapt quickly to change without drama, and can interact with peers, customers, clients, or patients with calm, compassion, and high Emotional Intelligence.

You also need your people to perform at their best despite the extremely challenging circumstances they—and all of us--face.

In this program, you’ll learn both guiding principles and practical strategies for helping cultivate a resilient, anti-fragile “We’ve got this” culture.

In this program, you will learn:

  1. The key  human needs that must be satisfied for employees to have sustainable drive and high productivity…and how to satisfy them
  2. Why so many employees are “just not that into” their boss or their employer…and what to prevent that from happening to you.
  3. How to cultivate mental toughness and a “can do” spirit in  yourself and the people you lead that can withstand change, challenge, and uncertainty.
  4. How to communicate in ways that inspire commitment, and  foster determination and optimism.
  5. How to get employees to think like owners and not just a “hired hand.”
  6. How to productively address employee discontent so they feel heard, even if you can’t change what they’re upset about.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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