PDT-BusLM-151 - Finding Your IKIGAI – A Pathway to Purpose and Authentic Leadership of Self and Others
Course Description
In today’s increasingly high-tech, fast-paced, ever-changing world, knowing let alone doing what really lights us up and fills our cup can feel like a daunting and disheartening pursuit. IKIGAI is a Japanese concept meaning “reason for being” that offers inspiration and practical guidance for incorporating more purpose and passion into our personal and professional lives.
Whether you are feeling stuck in a current situation or motivated to discover new possibilities, this workshop will help you gain increased clarity about your core values and talents through a combination of deep introspection, reflection and a holistic framework for shaping your personal and professional growth and better aligning your work in the world with who you truly are.
Course topics will include:
- an exploration of the concept of IKIGAI and how it supports longer happier life,
- how a deeper sense of purpose inspires more authentic and resilient leadership of self and others,
- and how to develop a plan and strategy to start manifesting more of the life you truly desire.
Based on the ancient Japanese wisdom of IKIGAI - the intersection of what you love, what the world needs, what you are good at and what you can be paid for - learn how to bring more purpose, passion, authenticity and resilience to how you lead yourself and others.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Leadership & Management : Electives
- Supervisory Skills : Electives