
Course Description

These two presentations will be interactive and fun while providing evidence-based research to strengthen marriage and family life. Our children and grandchildren are living in a different world than we experienced and have different stresses. Many enrolled in this course will likely have a long history of marriage and life experiences which should make for rich and interesting discussions. The information can be useful for those looking to support their families as they navigate today’s marital and parental demands. Discussion will include learning why balancing work and home life is necessary to avoid burnout. There will be an interactive exercise to examine the different areas of one's life and determine what may be out of balance. Examining healthy communication skills and using them to improve connection with spouse and family members will be addressed. These presentations use the metaphor of dance because it often relates well to the flexibility and fast footwork needed to keep marriages alive and thriving. Let’s work to support couples trying to stay on the dance floor through the busy years of "Twist and Shout" so they can be there in the end to enjoy "The Waltz."

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