
Course Description

This course, the first in what will be a series, begins with covering salads, dressings, and marinades. When our presenter serves dishes that literally make people pull out their phones for pictures or generate some very interesting moans at the dinner table, she calls them “Martha Moments.” It makes her laugh and smile every time. Just conjuring up the image of Martha Stewart giving a regal thumbs-up makes everyone grin. Here’s the simple math behind this class: First, learn one new concept and one important reminder. Next, combine a few ingredients likely already in your kitchen. And finally, maybe add one new item to make the flavors “pop”. (Think Stonewall Kitchen and Trader Joe’s, not exotic or expensive spices.) Then with one success under your belt go forth and innovate. Sound too good to be true? Join the class and laugh together as skepticism fades away. You will get to mix up some of your own concoctions from the ingredients supplied in the class. Class members get printed materials with recipes, lists of creative ideas to mix and match, and photos. This class is simply designed to generate a lot of smiles, jokes, and laughter. You don’t need to create all new menus to jazz things up. This approach shows it can still be boneless chicken breasts or iceberg lettuce on the plate, but a little “Wow Factor” changes the game. FYI: Your presenter is a low sodium cook so no, salt will not be a major player at all.

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Section Title
Kitchen Chemistry: The "Wow Factor" or Creating Your Own "Martha Moments"
10:00AM to 12:00PM
Jun 05, 2024
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Fee non-credit $20.00 Click here to get more information
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