
Course Description

6.5 CEHs for Wetland and Soil Scientists, 1.87 CEUs for Surveyors, and 6.5 CEUs for Foresters; also approved for 6 NHDES Subsurface Bureau credit hours

This workshop will teach the skills necessary to identify late-season grasses (Family Poaceae) occurring throughout our state and in nearby regions.  Participants of all experience levels are encouraged to attend. A combination of indoor and outdoor instruction will be used.  Instruction will focus on understanding and recognizing the unique morphology of grasses, mastering the terminology of a technical key, and examining local specimens both in the classroom and in the field.  Strategies and suggestions for identification within some of the more difficult genera of this challenging group will also be discussed.  The required text is:  How to Identify Grasses and Grasslike Plants by H.D. Harrington (Swallow Press, 1977; ISBN-10: 0804007462; ISBN-13: 978-0804007467; approx. $15 online).  You are asked to purchase this text from your preferred bookseller and bring it to the workshop along with a hand lens.  All other supplies will be provided.


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