
Course Description

It is recommended that students enroll in both Part 1 (Competency-based Education: Overview and Action Steps (K-12))  and Part 2 (Competency-based Education Part 2: Action Steps) of this workshop series.

New Hampshire schools have begun the transition away from a focus on seat time to examine how students can flexibly demonstrate mastery of academic content. How do schools and teachers now move beyond trying to fit this new model of education into the old of way of doing business? This session will look beyond the concept of embedding Competency Based Education (CBE) into a traditional construct, to delve into how to implement new CBE thinking and practices into the traditional construct. The day will be focused on moving away from complying with a mandate, to thinking about how best to educate our children using CBE. You will leave with new thinking about time and space in your school through the lens of CBE. This workshop is designed for participants who have some experience with teaching with CBE, have taken CBE: Action Steps (Part I) or attended the CBE Conference and wish to pursue further investigation. 


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